Read&Write Gold Software for Dyslexia and Reading Difficulty

TextHelp Read&Write Gold literacy support software is used by students and professionals around to world to assist them to overcome barriers to reading and writing.  The toolbar supports individuals who struggle with literacy difficulties (including, but not limited to dyslexia).  The toolbar can also be useful to students with English as a second language, or even just for proof reading and productivity.

TextHELP Read&Write Gold is a discrete, easily customisable toolbar that that integrates reading, writing, studying, and research support tools with common applications such as Microsoft Word and internet browsers.

Read&Write Gold is suitable for your PC, Mac or iPad and is even available as a moblile flash stick application to be used on public use computers.

Benefits of TextHELP Read&Write Gold:

  • Read&Write Gold assists with reading fluency and comprehension
  • The software facilitates research, writing, studying, and test taking
  • The toolbar integrates with commonly used mainstream applications such as Microsoft Office
  • Encourages independence and inclusion in an inclusive education environment

Product Features

  • Spell Checker
  • Word Prediction
  • Dictionary
  • Picture Dictionary
  • Word Wizard
  • Sounds like and Confusable words
  • Verb Checker
  • Calculator
  • Screenshot Reader
  • Speech Maker
  • Daisy Reader
  • Pronunciation Tutor
  • Scan: OCR/Scan a paper document to PDF, Word, HTML or ePub format.
  • Fact Finder
  • Fact Folder
  • Fact Mapper
  • Screen Masking
  • Speech Input
  • Translator: You must be online to use this feature.
  • PDF Aloud
  • Study Skills
  • Word Cloud
  • Voice Note

Exam Reader for Dyslexia

The scanning and PDF aloud features of Read&Write Gold have made it highly popular as an exam reader.  Students no longer need to ahve the question paper read aloud to them by a scribe or assistant, but can rather independently listen to the questions and have them repeated as necessary without having to ask for assistance.  This feature has given dyslexic students around the world confidence and independence.


Top South African University, the University of Cape Town, has installed a site license of TextHelp Read&Write, giving reading and writing support to all students, but especially those with dyslexia and English as a second language.

Belgrave High School_TextHelp Testimonial

Carole Pounder – Heaton Manor School_TextHelp Testimonial

Kate Blackmore_TextHelp Testimonial

Slated Row School_TextHelp Testimonial