This SwitchIt! program contains twelve animated stories demonstrating different sports, plus flashcards and animations for cause and effect work.
Please note: SwitchIt! Sports Extra software is downloadable software delivered via email
This SwitchIt! program contains twelve animated stories demonstrating different sports, plus flashcards and animations for cause and effect work.
Please note: SwitchIt! Sports Extra software is downloadable software delivered via email
Watch the footballers use teamwork to score a goal. Find out why going jogging is good for you. Sprinting, rounders and other sports played in school and college are also featured. Sports played by people with disabilities are included, such as wheelchair basketball, boccia and new age kurling. SwitchIt! Sports Extra may be used as part of the PSHE curriculum to promote healthy living skills.
Extra Resources!
SwitchIt! Extras include these great resources, activities and worksheets:
Computer Activities
Each program has additional on-screen activities around its theme. Use a mouse, touch monitor or interactive whiteboard.
Each title has many worksheets for you to print out, including:
- Dot to dot
- Odd one out
- Fill in the missing letter
- Matching words to pictures
- Colour flash cards
- Story sequencing cards
- Colouring pages
- Number work 1 to 5
- Number lines
- ‘Talk about’ cards
- Tracking activities
- Small picture cards – for matching, memory games, sorting or lotto.
Braille Worksheets
The program includes many worksheets designed to be printed onto swell paper and put through a heat machine to create tactile activities.