The first of a new series of story-based programs with a difference. Let’s Go To Town features 9 interactive scenes with linking animations to provide cohesion.

Please note: Lets Go To Town software is downloadable software delivered via email.

The first of a new series of story-based programs with a difference. Let’s Go To Town features 9 interactive scenes with linking animations to provide cohesion.

Please note: Lets Go To Town software is downloadable software delivered via email.

First catch the bus and we’re off! Once there you can choose clothes and food at the market, buy an ice-cream or lolly in the square, post a letter and finally catch the bus home again at the bus station. Let’s Go To Town is designed to promote decision making and encourage discussion of the real-life activity at a basic level. The story and presentation has been aimed at students of all ages, principally with severe learning difficulties and/or little reading ability. Suitable for young children as well.

The large eye-catching animations are designed with the visually impaired student in mind, and fun for all of us! The limited interaction is also very useful for students learning scanning using one or two switches. Use keyboard, mouse, switch, touch monitor or Intellikeys.

Thank you to the staff and pupils at Woodlawn School for their comments!

  • “Easy to navigate.”
  • “Excellent graphics and animation.”
  • “Good range of sound and pictures but simply portrayed without clutter for VI.”
  • “The interactive whiteboard is an ideal tool for using this software.”
  • “I particularly value the print option which enables pupils to keep a copy for display or for evidence of their work.”
  • “Successful with pupils using IntelliKeys and switches.”
  • “Simple to use with lots of opportunities for talk and opportunities to use ICT by the pupils themselves.”
  • “This software is good for pupils to practice life skills in a safe environment. It is very simple with easy to follow on-screen instructions and I am confident that most of our pupils could work on this program with little or no support. The activities and actions are broken down into very simple steps and include the following: catching a bus, crossing the road at the Pelican crossing, and shopping. These are all activities which many of our pupils are unable to carry out independently and I welcome the opportunity for pupils to gain experience of these life skills.”
  • “Suitable for varied age ranges and abilities.”
  • “The program would be well used within the speech and language therapy department especially as it has various access options.”
  • “It helped us to remember how to cross the road.”
  • “It was funny, we liked the voice on the end of the phone.”
  • “We liked clicking on the animals to hear them.”
  • “It gave us lots to talk about.”


Lets Go To Town Screenshot


Lets Go To Town Screenshot