A revolutionary guidance system for training welders – the new guideWELD™ LIVE real welding guidance system can help schools, training centres and companies to virtually put a welding instructor in every booth!

This is not virtual welding – this is the real thing!  The complementary product, GuideWELD VR  virtual welding system, can be used to train beginners in a virtual (cost saving) environment.

A revolutionary guidance system for training welders – the new guideWELD™ LIVE real welding guidance system can help schools, training centres and companies to virtually put a welding instructor in every booth!guideweld

This is not virtual welding – this is the real thing!  The complementary product, GuideWELD VR  virtual welding system, can be used to train beginners in a virtual (cost saving) environment.

The Guideweld LIVE system can be used in arc-off or while actually welding.  Perfect practice makes perfect welders.

Actual Welding Helmet

The guideWELD LIVE system consists of a welding gun sensor and specialised welding helmet with visual display that provides immediate feedback on work angle, travel angle and speed.  This feedback happens live, during real life welds with real materials.

By providing feedback on these three core aspects of welding technique, guideWELD LIVE allows students to learn correct welding form an positioning, makes instructors more available to provide individualized instruction and increases the safety of their learning environment.

The guideWELD™ LIVE system offers these great features and benefits in a cost-effective package.

The Guideweld Live system also includes

  • Curriculum written by a certified welding instructor that includes 3 units: Welding Safety, Welding Defects and Welding Specifications
  • Welding Inspection Tutorial for student use
  • Presentation slides, teacher guides, student worksheets, quizzes and exams
  • 9 Welding Procedure Specifications, with customizable WPS’s also available


Watch an introductory video on GuideWELD LIVE

Please contact us to arrange a demonstration.

Don’t forget to check out GuideWELD VR  – the virtual welding simulator for early welding.