Dynamo Maths Remediation Program
Dynamo Maths is a step-by-step learning program that supports the needs of children struggling with maths. The solution is packaged in a three-stage on-line intervention and remediation program for dyscalculics and low maths achievers.
The software has been specifically designed for learners with learning difficulties such as dyscalculia, dyslexia and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The software is based on the NumberSenseMMR framework.
Ideally, Dynamo Maths would be combined with a Dynamo Profiler Assessment, identifying areas of weakness and dyscalculia symptoms for development. Dynamo Profiler can be used as a pre-assessment for remedial educators to establish whether the leaner requires further professional supportive learning. Dynamo Maths can then be incorporated into a learner’s Individual Support Plan (ISP).
Dynamo Maths can also be integrated with curriculum activities in special needs and main stream schools.
- Stage 1: Lesson Plans
Over 230 multisensory pre-prepared Lesson Plans with printable resources written by dyscalculia experts. Each lesson plan is designed to engage the child with specific areas of dyscalculia or maths difficulties and develop conceptual understanding, thinking strategies and confidence with numbers.
- Stage 2: On-line Interactive Modules
Over 230 online interactive remediation modules designed to remediate dyscalculia difficulties and develop automaticity and intuitiveness with numbers through practice and reinforcement. The On-line Interactive modules have a simple and powerful reporting that informs you instantly of the gaps in learning.
- Stage 3: Dynamic Worksheets, Reinforcement and Reflection phase.
Over 230 dynamic printable Worksheets emulate the On-line Activities.
- Ideal for students with learning difficulties such as dyscalculia.
- Dynamo Maths is a combination of assessments and fun activities promoting maths among learners.
- Includes a curriculum and dyscalculia reference that can be integrated with lessons.
- It’s an age-appropriate assessment that can be adapted to suit the learner’s developmental profile for maths and numbers to be captured.
- The report systems enable remedial educators to understand the possible reasons for difficulties in their learning and structure interventions to take place and support the learner’s development.
What is Dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. Dyscalculic learners may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers, and have problems learning number facts and procedures. This pattern of abilities and weaknesses is known as ‘specific learning difficulties’.
Purely dyscalculic learners who have difficulties only with numbers will have cognitive and language abilities in the normal range and may excel in nonmathematical subjects, or they may be found to have language difficulties as well, such as dyslexia.
What about Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a spectrum of disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols.
Often, those who have difficulties in deciphering written words should also have difficulty in learning the sets of facts, notation and symbols that are used in mathematics. This pattern of abilities and weaknesses is known as ‘specific learning difficulties’.
Dyslexics usually experience problems with the language of mathematics, sequencing, orientation and memory, rather than with the mathematics itself. Dyslexic learners find it difficult to produce mental or written answers quickly, and the need to ‘learn by heart’ for pupils who have poor memory systems may well result in failure and lack of self-belief.
Some dyslexic learners will enjoy the flexibility of approach and methods while, for others, choice creates uncertainty, confusion and anxiety.
Dynamo for Autism
It is a well known fact that children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have special interest in numbers through repetitive behaviors and can take the form of intense preoccupations or obsessions. With some children, this extreme interests in numbers, symbols, dates or locations on maps can take years before the understanding of maths concepts behind numbers emerges. Children with ASD demand extreme consistency in their environment and daily routine and there is tendency to engage in a restricted range of activities.
Like many other skills that we also need to teach children with ASD the mathematical concepts and the developmental stages need to start with the foundations of number sense before counting. Dynamo Math modules start at very basic level of Visual Patterns, building in small steps towards maths concepts.
The modules provide an opportunity to build confidence through visual online activities, as well as teaching of number concepts on a one-to-one through touch, feel and play using the structured teaching lesson plans. The lesson plans are designed to play games that help develop conceptual understanding, thinking strategies and confidence with maths.