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Editmicro - A leading supplier of Corporate, Educational and Special Needs products

RealCare Drug Affected Infant Simulator

Editmicro » RealCare Drug Affected Infant Simulator

RealCare Drug Affected Infant Simulator

RealCare Drug Affected Infant Simulator

This dramatic simulator cries and shakes like a real baby born to a mother who was taking drugs during her pregnancy.  The simulator and accompanying curriculum demonstrate the devastating effects of substance use by a pregnant woman.  This simulator can be used for substance abuse prevention and is a crucial part of the Total Parenting Experience for teenage pregnancy prevention and parenting skills education.


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This dramatic simulator cries and shakes like a real baby born to a mother who was taking drugs during her pregnancy.  The simulator and accompanying curriculum demonstrate the devastating effects of substance use by a pregnant woman.  This simulator can be used for substance abuse prevention and is a crucial part of the Total Parenting Experience for teenage pregnancy prevention and parenting skills education.

The simulator has the following features

  •     A lifelike, anatomically correct female
  •     Bears a painful facial expression
  •     Tiny limbs
  •     Small for its gestational age
  •     Heartbreaking cries of a real drug-affected infant
  •     Withdrawal tremors

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