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Labdisc Physio Mobile Science Laboratory

Editmicro » Labdisc Physio Mobile Science Laboratory

Labdisc Physio Mobile Science Laboratory

Labdisc Physio Mobile Science Laboratory


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Labdisc Physio

The Labdisc Physio can be used in a wide range of physics experiments and investigations requiring.  Use the Labdisc Physio to turn complex and abstract physics or science concepts into easy-to-perform experiments, the Labdisc Physio is an advanced wireless data logging tool for discovering the forces of our universe and the building blocks of matter.

The Labdisc Dymo is an optional addition for the Physio, a small and lightweight force/acceleration sensor.

Built-in Sensors:

  • Accelerometer
  • Air Pressure
  • Ambient Temperature
  • Current, Distance (Motion)
  • External Temperature
  • Light, Microphone
  • Universal Input
  • Voltage

Activity Ideas

Using the Physio Labdisc, you can investigate Lenz and Boyle’s Laws, resistor networks, light source efficiency, light vs. distance, sound beat and wave superposition, Newton’s Second Law and free fall acceleration.


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