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Editmicro - A leading supplier of Corporate, Educational and Special Needs products

Five Finger Typists

Editmicro » Five Finger Typists

Five Finger Typists

Five Finger Typists


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The Five Finger Typist is a typing software program that develops keyboard skills. The program is suitable for children who uses a physical keyboard or an on screen version. The software further enhances their typing skills if they know their way around the keys.



  • Include a complete set of typing lessons for both right and left hands.
  • It teaches keyboarding techniques for single handed touch and typing on the QWERTY keyboard.
  • Allows for users to learn the home position, and completes the exercises that introduce new keys and revise keys already learnt.
  • The application remembers the last lesson worked on and allows the user to pick up from where they have left off.
  • Lessons are graded for assessments.
  • Key guidelines with animated hand graphics on the screen which shows the correct hand movement as the user types.


Technical Specifications

  • Compatible with Windows/Mac CD-Rom


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